

This is just one of thems there, these here.

I'm a graduate student of philosophy (sorry), amateur League of Legends esport historian, part-time-poetry-enjoyer, and horror video game design snob. When I'm not metaphorically drowning, I watch Wwarhammer 40k lore videos, read non-fiction, and knit/cross-stitch :^)

I'm making this website: (i) because all other site-makers SUCK, (ii) i've been meaning to learn HTML for a while, and (iii) I want a place to post my thoughts about games and movies and philosophy that isn't just another academic personal website. I hate you, squarespace. Let me have fun online for just a little while longer - before corporate greed destroys the last vestiages of non-profitable activity on the internet.

That said, I'm aiming to post every week or so, even if it's just cool new 40k stuff I'm learning. This isn't for you, though. It's for me. Enojy your stay :^)


uhhh hey. Try to identify a cool bird today.